Professional Learning Specialist
I am excited to join the team at West 40! This year is the start of my 30th year in the field of education. Prior to joining the team at West 40, I served as a Director of Special Education for 19 consecutive years. I began my career in education as a special education teacher in Maywood District 89 in 1995. I later served as the Director of Special Education for 8 years. During my journey of being a Director of Special Education, I have served in Bellwood District 88, Oak Park and River Forest High School, SASED, and St. Charles School District 303. In addition to serving as a school administrator, I am an Adjunct Professor at DePaul University and Triton College. I teach courses in racial equity with a focus on the inequalities that exist with African-American students. I am very passionate about issues of social justice in education. A fun fact about me is that I binge watch T. V. shows from the 80’s and 90’s. I have no clue about many of the current shows on T. V. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
– Nelson Mandela