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Data Privacy

West40 follows strict guidelines to ensure that the data of our staff, studetns and constituents is protected. West40 adheres to all applicable state and federal statutes (see below 1-4) 

West40 takes data privacy very seriously. We follow strict guidelines to ensure that the data of our staff, students, and constituents is protected.


West40 adheres to all applicable state and federal statutes including but not limited to SOPPA (Student Online Personal Protection Act), FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), COPPA (Children’s Online Personal Protection Act), and CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act).


West40 uses LearnPlatform to manage student data privacy contract information. If you would like to view the West40 Vendor Data Privacy Agreements please visit the following link:

Parents seeking to exercise their rights under SOPPA may do so by contacting the Data Privacy Officer. West40’s Data Privacy Officer is Josh Boies and he can be reached at

  1. CIPA – CIPA is a Federal law enacted in 2000 to protect children from harmful and inappropriate internet content. It also ties a financial incentive for districts to follow guidelines in order to receive discounts on online educational services.

  2. COPPA – COPPA is a Federal law enacted in 1998. COPPA gives parents control over what data is collected about their children online at school, and specifically targets students under age 13. COPPA covers websites as well as apps.

  3. SOPPA – SOPPA is a State law than ensures digital data collected by schools is handled in an appropriate matter. This law requires districts to have a plan in place in case of a digital breach of students’ and/or educators’ digital data. This includes information such as name, date of birth, SSN, and more. The law states that reasonable security procedures and policies must be in place, and requires districts to list all agreements publicly on the district website. Visit this link to see find information.

  4. FERPA – FERPA is a Federal law enacted in 1974 that protects student academic records. This law is applicable to any and all schools that receive funds from the U.S. Department of Education. Under FERPA, parents/guardians are given specific rights that pertain to these academic records. Once a student graduates or turns 18, these rights transfer from the parents to the students.

  5. Data Breach – As required by SOPPA, in the event that a data breach occurs which involves student data, a summary of the breach will be posted here. Breaches that involve less than 10% of a school’s enrollment, do not include student covered information, do not require parent notification, or any breach that occurred prior to July 1, 2021 or within the past five (5) years, whichever is earlier, may not be reported here.

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